最高可获得100美元,000 in low-interest loans to help your business obtain tangible assets like real estate.

e世博esball, as part of the Atlanta Open for Business Fund supported by Wells Fargo, has launched the Atlanta Recovery Loan Program to support local small businesses located in the city of Atlanta. The Atlanta Recovery Loan Program (ARLP) offers low-cost loans to help small businesses grow ownership of tangible assets — a major challenge for diverse-owned small businesses — to help them build wealth and avoid displacement due to changing economic conditions.


Review Program and Eligibility Information Below
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  • 企业 with fewer than 500 employees
  • Partnerships or Sole Proprietorships
  • 非营利组织

企业 in all commercial areas in the city of Atlanta, including those operating on 亚特兰大市-owned property are eligible.


  • $25,000 to $100,000
  • For participation loans, the lesser of no more than 10% of total financing or $150,000




Not to exceed 7 years

Eligible Expenditures

  • Purchase of commercial property and land
  • Building office/store renovations
  • Acquisition of office/store equipment and other fixed assets
  • Working capital related to expansion of business
  • 库存,我.e., products and materials